četrtek, 28. januar 2016

Zakaj NISEM ponosen, da sem Slove'nc?!

Ko izrečeš nekaj takega, kot to, da nisi ponosen, da si Slovenec, si večina ljudi predstavlja, da je razlog za to predvsem v politiki. Torej, da si mnenja, da vlada državo vodi v gospodarski propad, da ne poskrbi za varnost državljanov (še posebej v času migracij ljudi iz Bližnjega vzhoda), skratka, da si jezen na politike, ker ne delajo v dobrobit svojih državljanov. Morda razlog leži v tem, da je država skorumpirana in da le ljudje, ki so na kakem vplivnem položaju, prilagajajo zakone sebi v prid oziroma se kako drugače okoristijo. Ampak pri meni ni tako.

Moj razlog, da nisem domoljub ali patriot oziroma si ne želim nadet kak drugi naziv, ki bi me povezoval s tem, da sem »ponosen« na to, kjer sem rojen, ne leži v tem. Moj razlog leži v odgovoru na enostavno vprašanje: »Zakaj naj bi bil ponosen na državo, v katero sem se po naključju rodil?«.

Po mojem mnenju si lahko ponosen predvsem na to, kar sam dosežeš. Torej, iz tega sledi, da nebom ponosen na nekaj, na kar nisem imel nobenega vpliva. In na to, kje se bom rodil, nisem imel vpliv.

Iz enakega razloga, ne morem biti ponosen na to, da sem belec, da sem moški ali, da imam modro-zelene oči. Torej, zakaj naj bom ponosen na imaginarno ozemlje, ki smo ga ljudje sami poimenovali in ustvarili? Koncept omejevanja, zaradi katerega se toliko ljudi(narodov) sporeče med sabo.

Nisem niti ponosen, ko Peter Prevc skoči najdlje na kaki tekmi v smučarskih skokih. Niti, ko Tina Maze presmuča ciljno linijo v najkrajšem času ali ko Slovenija premaga kako drugo državo v kakem od ekipnih športov. Ker, zakaj naj bi bil? Kako sem jaz prispeval k tej zmagi? Nisem. Bolj ali manj, noben navijač ni. Edini, ki je lahko ponosen v teh scenarijih, ki sem jih navedel prej, je športnik, ki po tekmi dvigne medaljo/pokal in njemu v ponos zadoni »Zdravljica« in k večjemu njegovo moštvo, ki mu je kakorkoli pomagalo doseči to zmago. Ampak jaz, ki še nikoli nisem srečal tega človeka oz. ni kakorkoli drugače povezan z mano, razen preko dejstva, da se je po naključju rodil na enako poimenovanem območju kot jaz, ne morem bit ponosen. 

Seveda je lahko vsak vesel za tega posameznika ali moštvo, ampak zakaj? Zakaj nebi bil vesel vedno za tistega, ki zmaga na bilo katerem tekmovanju(seveda, če ima enake razmere, kot vsi ostali tekmovalci)? A ni to dokaz, da če nekdo zmaga v kakem tekmovanju, da se je ravno ta posameznik najbolj trudil? Najbolj posvečal treningu? Ni on najbolj zaslužen našega aplavza?

Jaz sem ponosen na svoje dosežke in dosežke ljudi, ki jih poznam. Na dosežek družinskih članov ali prijateljev. Na dosežke ljudi, s katerimi sem v stiku. Predvsem pa na sam svoje.

Zakaj se ljudje moremo vedno delit in biti ponosni na nekaj, na kar nismo imeli nobenega vpliva? Če že, sem jaz ponosen na celotno človeško raso. Vsaj v pogledu, kar vse smo dosegli v zadnjih 200 letih na področju znanosti in tehnologije. Kako smo znali naš um uporabit, da smo si olajšali življenje. Ampak žal, prav ta um človeštvo in celotni planet, sedaj vodi v propad. Človeški um je lahko tudi najslabša stvar, kar se je kdajkoli zgodila Zemlji. Človek je pripravljen ubit drugega človeka na račun bogastva, svojega Boga ali celo samo zaradi tega, ker ni enakega pigmenta, kot on. Je to res svet, v katerem želimo živet? 

Zakaj nas morejo deliti meje? Zakaj ljudje s ponosom izrekajo besede kot: »Slovenec je tako ali tako »boljši« od državljana te in te države!«, ali te in te rase, religije, ..itd. Smo res? Po mojem, že ko začnemo izrekat to poved, dokazujemo ravno obratno.  

Jaz sam, sem še pred par meseci sam tako razmišljal. Potem pa sem prišel do tega vprašanja, kot sem ga prej navedel: »Zakaj bi naj bil ponosen, na nekaj, na kar nimam vpliva?!«. Nisem, in nebom. Po mojem mnenju, se ljudje preveč delimo. In ponos, da pripadamo neki državi je po mojem mnenju, ena najbolj bizarnih primerov deljenja.

Ljudi je treba deliti po dosežkih. Po tem, kako in kaj so prispevali Svetu med svojim življenjem. Kako so olajšali življenje na Zemlji generacijam, ki sledijo njegovi. Ne po narodnosti ali čem drugem, na kar ljudje nimamo vpliva!

nedelja, 24. januar 2016

MUSIC/TOP: My Top 50 Songs Of The Year: 2001

50. Alicia Keys – »Fallin'«

49. Janet Jackson – »All For You«

48. Destiny's Child – »Bootylicious«

47. Destiny's Child feat. Da Brat – »Survivor«

46. Jennifer Lopez – »Ain't It Funny«

44. Jennifer Lopez – »Love Don't Cost aThing«

43. Roger Sanchez – »Another Chance«

42. Uncle Kracker – »Follow Me«

41. Westlife – »Uptown Girl«

40. Atomic Kitten – »Whole Again«

39. Sum 41 – »Fatlip«

38. Robbie Williams – »The Road ToMandalay«

37. Alien Ant Farm – »Smooth Criminal«

35. Travis – »Sing«

34. Smash Mouth – »I'm a Believer«

33. Gigi D'Agostino – »L'Amour Toujours«

32. Lasgo – »Something«

31. Sophie Ellis-Bextor – »Murder On The Dancefloor«

29. No Angels – »Daylight in Your Eyes«

28. Titiyo – »Come Along«

27. Enrique Iglesias – »Hero«

25. S Club 7 – »Don't Stop Movin'«

24. Blink-182 – »First Date«

23. Faith Hill – »Here You’ll Be«

22. Atomic Kitten – »Eternal Flame«

21. Anastacia – »Paid My Dues«

20. Nelly Furtado – »Turn Off The Lights«

19. The Calling – »Wherever You Will Go«

18. Michelle Branch – »Everywhere«

17. Emma Bunton – »What Took You So Long«

15. Ricky Martin feat. Christina Aguilera – »Nobody Want's To Be Lonely«

14. Limp Bizkit – »My Way«

13. Sum 41 – »In Too Deep«

12. Gorillaz – »Clint Eastwood«  

11. Shakira – »Whenever, Wherever«

TOP 10


10. R.E.M. - "Imitation Of Life"

9. Kylie Minogue - "Can't Get You Out Of My Head"



8. Geri Halliwell - "It's Raining Men"


7. DJ Sammy & Yanou feat. Do - "Heaven"


6. Linkin Park - "Crawling"


5. Nickelback - "How You Remind Me"


4. Texas - "Inner Smile"


3. Melanie Thornton - "Wonderful Dream (Holidays Are Coming"


2. Linkin Park - "In The End"



Enya - "Wild Child"


Is there any song from 2001 that you enjoyed, but wasn't on this chart? Comment below!

You can view the full chart also on my youtube channel HERE!

15 years ago, these songs were popular, fu*king 15!  


petek, 22. januar 2016

TOP: My Top 10 Favourite Youtube Channels

10. Fine Brothers Entertainment

Run by: Benny Fine & Rafi Fine
Number of subscribers: +14 million

Description: On this channel you can find videos of people from different age groups reacting at certain things, shows, viral videos,... etc. They post a series of videos where youtubers, kids, teens, adults & elders react to a new thing/video every episode.

I Watch: "Youtubers React", "Adults React" & "Elders React"

9. CinemaSins

Run by: Jeremy Scott & Chris Atkinson
Number of subscribers: +5.3 million

Description: Are you a movie fan? Well, then you surely did watch a film that just didn't make sense. Maybe there was a big plothole or something just wasn't logical. This channel makes videos on those kind of movie mistakes. Their videos are titled: "Everything Wrong With... (enter movie title)".

I Watch: "Everything Wrong With..."

8. JaclynGlenn

Run by: Jaclyn Glenn
Number of subscribers: +386.000

Description: Channel run by Jaclyn mainly focuses on topics such as atheism, religion, politics, economy and other social issues. From time to time she also makes sketch and spoof videos.

I Watch: Videos on topics that interest me.

7. Jeremy Jahns

Run by: Jeremy Jahns
Number of subscribers: +991.000

Description: Jeremy's channel is mainly a movie reviewer channel, but he also does trailer reaction and trailer review videos. He reviews movies in very comedical way and in the end of every review, grades movies with 5 different grades: "Dog shit", "You won't remember the movie in T-x minutes/hours/days", "Great time, if your drunk", "Good time, no alcohol required", "worth buying on Blu-ray" & "Awesomtacular". He also makes "Top 10 Best movies" and "Top 10 Worst movies" at the end of each year.

I Watch: All

6. WatchMojo.com

Site: youtube.com/WatchMojo.com
Run by: Ashkan Karbasfrooshan, Raphael Daigneault, Christine Voulieris
Number of subscribers: +10.5 million

Description: WatchMojo.com makes 3-4 top10 videos a day. They make top 10 things from moves to tv series, from best actors to McDonald's meals. On this youtube channel, there is probably a top 10 video on every topic you may think of. They also make a weekly news video and TopX videos, Top 10 videos focusing only on youtube and youtubers.

I Watch: Every TOP 10 videos on topic that interest me.

5. Screen Junkies


Run by: Andy Signore, Brett Weiner & Mitch Rotter
Number of subscribers: +5.1 million

Description: This channel is mostly known for their series of "Honest Trailer" videos. In addition, they make a weekly live show called "Movie Fights", where three movie fans fight among themselves by arguing to answer a question given by the presenter. The winner of each argument/round is the one, which gives the best arguments for the answer they choosed.

I Watch: Movie Fights

4. ADoseOfBuckley

Run by: Adam Buckley
Number of subscribers: +563.000

Description: Buckley describes his channel videos as "angry humour from an angry man".He rants about current popular events, trends and music from an "pesimistic"/angry perspective. At the end of every year he makes "Top 10 Wors Songs" videos, which is the moust popular content on his channel.

I Watch: All

3. ColliderVideos

Run by: John Campe, John Schnepp, Kristian Harloff, Mark Ellis
Number of subscribers: +189.000

Description: ColliderVideos airs a daily show called "Movie Talk", where they break down the latest news from the world of movies. They also post a weekly Star Wars-only show called "Jedi Council", "Mailbag". where they answer to questions send by their fans, and weekly shows where they review new episodes of moust popular TV series.

I Watch: Movie Talk, Jedi Council (sometimes).

2. The Drunken Peasants

Run by: Ben & TJ (feat. Scotty)
Number of subscribers: +108.000
This channels airs 3 weekly 2-3 hour long podcasts, where they comment on news. From time to time they have a guest on the show, most commonly PaulsEgo. They have a variety of segments of the show, such as: Troll or Not a Troll, Storytime With Paul, Crazy People, segment where they read posts on Craigslist, segment where they watch TV commercials and guess the pricess of the products,... etc.

I Watch: All

1. The Amazing Atheist


Run by: Thomas James "TJ" Kirk
Number of subscribers: +783.000
This is porbably one of the most contraversial youtube channels. He always speak in "in-your.face" way and doesn't care what anyone makes of him. TJ does video rents on all sorts of topics: from atheism to religion, from movie & music trends to economy. He also talks about: politics, feminism, gaming, social issues, recism,... etc. With this channel you will never be bored. TJ  makes videos in very sarcastic and/or cynical tone.

I Watch: All

sreda, 20. januar 2016

MOVIE REVIEW: Harry Potter and The Philospoher's/Sorcerer's Stone

Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone (Warner Bros., 2001)



About The Movie

Title: Harry Potter and the Philospoher's Stone
Release date: November 16, 2001
Directed by: Chris Columbus
Produced by: David Heyman
Music by: John Williams
Country(/ies): USA, UK
Running Time: 152 min(s)
Budget: $125 million


Harry Potter is a seemingly ordinary boy, living with his uncaring relatives, the Dursleys in Surrey, England. On his eleventh birthday, Harry learns from a mysterious stranger, Rubeus Hagrid, that he is actually a wizard, famous in the Wizarding World for surviving an attack by the evil Lord Voldemort when Harry was only a baby. Voldemort killed Harry's parents, but his attack on Harry rebounded, leaving only a lightning-bolt scar on Harry's forehead and rendering Voldemort powerless. Hagrid reveals to Harry that he has been invited to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After buying his school supplies from the hidden London street, Diagon Alley, Harry boards the train to Hogwarts via the concealed Platform 9¾ in King's Cross Station. (source: wikipedia)

Commercial success

In total, the film earned $974.8 million at the worldwide box office, $317.6 million of that in the US and $657.2 million elsewhere, which made it the second highest-grossing film in history at the time, as well as the year's highest-grossing film. As of 2015, it is the unadjusted twenty-fifth highest-grossing film of all-time and the second highest-grossing Harry Potter film to date after Deathly Hallows - Part 2, which grossed more than $1 billion worldwide.

Critical reception

Rotten Tomatoes: 80%
IMDb: 7.5/10

 Harry Potter and the Scorcerer's Stone Official Trailer:




First of all, this movie is meant for children, but there are many things, specialy the theme of the movie, that adults will also enjoy. It is very faithful to the book, that is based on. The movie screams of joy. The set design is breath-taking. The costums, set and music score makes you feel like you are on a adventure with our trio.

Special effects are beautiful. The three main charecters share great chemistry and you realy do feel their frendship. The mistery in the movie is very interesting, despite being a chidren movie. The performances that stand out to me are by Alan Rickman, Robbie Coltrane, Maggie Smith and Richard Harris.

This is children fantasy film at it's finest. There are a few minor plot holes, but that is expected considering this is movie set in the magical world. All around, the movie is well spend family time with strong massage and story that will make you want to continoue watching this series of films. (Oh, and it's Levi-O-sa, not Leviosa-R!).

Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone (Warner Bros., 2001)

My Thoughts

What can I say? It is not THE best Harry Potter movie by far, but it leads us into the magical univers perfectly. I love the myssterious plot of the movie. I just wish I didn't know who is "the guy" each time I re-watch it.

I have many memories of this movie. As a kid I re-watched it a billion times. Chris Columbus is truly my favourite children movie director (he also directed first two Home Alone movies, my two favourite Christmas movies).

After all these years, each time I watch it again, I discover something new, coz' of the richness of the set designe. I can't resist to smile every time I see "Chris Columbus" at the end of the movie. It's true magic on your screen.

Favs Of the Movie:

Favourite Line: “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” - Albus Dumbledore
Best Moment/Scene: from 1:31:42 to 1:33:42. (Harry and The Mirror Of Erised)
Favourite Song: Leaving Hogwarts
Most Interesting Character: Severus Snape

My rating of the movie:

8/10 Stars

7th Best HARRY POTTER Movie

Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone (Warner Bros., 2001)
