sreda, 13. januar 2016

ATHEISM: Top 10 Myths About Atheism/Atheists

Before we star with those 10 myths, let's just define what means to be an atheist.

ATHEISM is, in a broad sense, the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. In a narrower sense, atheism is specifically the position that there are no deities. Most inclusively, atheism is the absence of belief that any deities exist. Atheism is contrasted with theism, which, in its most general form, is the belief that at least one deity exists.The term "atheism" originated from the Greek ἄθεος (atheos), meaning "without god(s)", used as a pejorative term applied to those thought to reject the gods worshiped by the larger society. (source: wikipedia)

10. Atheists worship the Devil.
Wrong. Atheists (by definiton) don't believe in God and therefor, they can't believe in his enemy - the Devil.

9. Atheists hate religion.
Wrong. Some (probably most of atheists) would consider themselves as anti-theists. But that's not the same as a-theist. An anti-theist believes that religion (especially organised) is harmful for sociaty we live in.

8. Atheists hate God.
Wrong. For the same reason as they don't worship the Devil. How can you hate something that you don't believe in? BUT, atheists do say sometimes they "hate" God. When they do say that, they are referring to the character of God described in The Bible and the things he has done or rules he has set. Many people would say that they hate Saruman or Lond Voldemort, however they don't think these two charecters realy exist.

7. Atheists don't believe in God, because they just want to sin.
Wrong. Atheist don't buy in to the concept of sin. They refuse to live by the commandments God has allegedly written and they don't believe in the concept of heaven or hell.

6. Atheism is responsible for some of the biggest crimes against humanity.
Many people still believe that Adolf Hitler was an atheist. This is false. He was a Catholic. He once said: "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord."

Stalin, on the other hand, was an atheist. However, he never killed anyone "in the name of Atheism". He killed in he's lust for power.

5. The burden of proof is on atheists.
Wrong. The burden of proof is on a person who is making a claim. When you say: "There is a God.", you are making a claim. But, when someone says: "I don't believe in a God.". that is not a claim. Even if someone said: "There IS NO God.", it would still not be he's job, to prove to you that there is no God.

Let's say, that someone said: "There are no unicors", it wouldn't be he's job to prove to you that there are no unicorns, it would be your job to prove to him that there are, if you believed that unicors do exist, of course.

4. Atheists can't deal with death. 
Wrong. Well, not toatally. Many religious people believe that atheists can't deal with death, since they don't buy in to the concept of heaven/hell. EVERYONE does think sometimes: "What will happen, when I die?", I, as an atheist, do not worry that much. That is why you must enjoy your life while you still have it, because this might be the only one you will ever get.

3. Atheists lives a meaningless life
From my point of view, worshiping something or somenone, that has never been proven to exist is far more meaningless, than enjoying your life, not worrying what an imaginary man in the sky might think of you.

2. Atheists have no morality
Wrong. Many theists believe that atheists have no morality, since they don't follow ther rules in the Bible. We all, even if you disagree, follow the rules of the secular world. There are MANY rules in The Bible, that would be considered a crime. No one realy does follow The Bible.

1. Atheism is a religion
Wrong. Atheism is a lack of believe in God, therefor it can not be a religion. It's like saying not collecting stamps is a hobby or bald is a hair colour.

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