torek, 12. januar 2016

Answers To 65 Random Questions About Me & My Worlview

Here are my answers to 65 random questions I found on the internet.


1. What is your name? 

2. What are your nicknames?
There are too many of them. Zuzkocvet, Cveto,.. etc.

3. When is your birthday?
In 5 months and 29 days.

4. Where were you born?
Murska Sobota, Slovenia.

5. What is your star sign?

6. What is your occupation?
Having fun.

7. What colour is your hair?
Sand brown.

8. What was the last thing you bought?
Hm.. I don't rememeber. It must have been either a sandwich or some candy,

9. How long is your hair?
Not 2 long.

10. What colour are your eyes?
Green & gray-ish.

11. What's your best feature?
Hm.. I'm almost always optimistic.

12. Do you have braces?

13. Do you have any piercings?

14. Do you have any tattoos?
Not yet.

15. Do you have any pets?
Yes. Two cats. Both are totally black.

16. Are you left handed or right handed?

17. Mac or PC?

18. iOS or Android?

19. Dogs or cats?
Cats (obviously).

20. Who is your bestfriend?
I don't like to categorise my friends. They are all my FRIENDS.

21. What was your first award?
Laziest person on earth. I didn't pick up my prize yet.

22. What is your favourite sport?

23. When was your first real holiday?
I think it was in 1998 (I was 6 years old).

24. What was the last concert you went to?
Siddharta. Last August in Maribor.

25. Whats your favourite movie?
Hard to pick. I'm gonna have to go with Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows - Part 2.

26. What's your favourite TV Show?
I don't watch TV that much. But if I had pick... I would say The Simpsons.

27. What's your favourite colour?
Black, yellow and blue. Can't pick just one.

28 . What's your favourite song?
It changes constantly, but let's say Nothing Compares 2 U by Sinéad O'Connor (at the moment).

29. What's your favourite restaurant?
All of them.

30. What's your favourite shop?
The one, that has food.

31. What's your favourite book?
I'm not a fan of reading. But I'm a big Harry Potter fan. So, either Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince or Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire.

32. What's your favourite magazine?
Stop/Vklop (slovenian magazine)

33. What's your favourite pair of shoes?
I have 2. Both of them.

34. What's your favourite season?

35. What's your favourite quote?
"Do not pity the dead, pity the living and above all those who live without love." - Albus Perciwal Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (from Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows)

36. How are you currently feeling?
I have to pee really bad, soo.. yeah.

37. Who was the last person you messaged?
Sindi Kustec (check out her blog!)

38. Are you single or taken?

39. What are you currently eating?
No. But I will, thanks for reminding me.

40. What are you currently listening to?
Annie Lennox - "No More "I Love Yous"" (one of my favs.)

41. What are you currently thinking about?
Food. (After all this time?) Always.

42. What are you currently watching?
PC screen.

43. What are you currently wearing?
Clothes, believe it or not.

44. Do you want children one day?
I haven't felt that need yet.

45. Do you want to be married one day?

46. Where do you want to live?
Scandinavia or Canada.

47. Do you believe in god?

48. Do you believe in miracles?

49. Do you believe in love at first sight?
No. You can have a crush on someone, but that's far from love.

50. Do you believe in ghosts?

51. Do you believe in Aliens?

52. Do you believe in Soul mates?
Don't believe in souls, so - no.

53. Do you believe in Heaven or hell?

54. Do you believe in kissing on the first date?
What a question is this? Yes, some people do kiss one first date, but some don't.

55. Do you believe in yourself?
Most of the time.

56. Do you sing in the shower?
I do. In my head. I always sing in my head.

57. When did you last laugh and what was it at?
Few mins ago. I watched The Drunken Peasants Podcast.

58. Where was the last place you traveled?
Ljubljana, the capital of my country.

59. Would you go skydiving?
No, thanks.

60. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go?
London, USA, Scandinavia...

61. If you had a million dollars what would you do with it?
Buy a nice house or travel.

62. Can you whistle?
I can.

63. Can you speak another language?
Yep. English, hungarian, croatian (serbian), german.

64. What's most important in your life?
Food. (and maybe people close to me if they don't get on my nerves that day :P )

65. Have you ever had surgery?
Yes. Quite a few times... 8 or 9 times.

That's it Folks!

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