nedelja, 10. januar 2016


Hi! My name is Manuel (as you may already know). :)

Many people would consider my life to be boring (since I rarely even leave my room), but to me it is anything but that. Sure, there are moments that I want people around me (then I leave my precious - PC, and go out), but moust of the time - nah! 

I have "finished" schooling (a.k.a. dropped out of college) back in 2013, and ever since I am a couch potato (I actualy don't own a couch) and my life more or less consists of surfing on the interwebs, movies, games and other low-energy-spending activities.

On this blog I will write about anything that I "fanboy" about at that particular moment. I am planning to post reviews of movies, games, music and maybe some other things that I will be interested in. You can expect ANYTHING on this blog.

from Harry Potter and the Prisoner Of Azkaban (WB, 2004)
 ...with this blog. :)

And for the end, let my thank one of my best freinds who's blog has inspired my to begin with my own,

Thank you Sindi, I am very fortunate to have you in my life:)
Check out her BLOG!

You can also connect with me via social media:

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