petek, 22. januar 2016

TOP: My Top 10 Favourite Youtube Channels

10. Fine Brothers Entertainment

Run by: Benny Fine & Rafi Fine
Number of subscribers: +14 million

Description: On this channel you can find videos of people from different age groups reacting at certain things, shows, viral videos,... etc. They post a series of videos where youtubers, kids, teens, adults & elders react to a new thing/video every episode.

I Watch: "Youtubers React", "Adults React" & "Elders React"

9. CinemaSins

Run by: Jeremy Scott & Chris Atkinson
Number of subscribers: +5.3 million

Description: Are you a movie fan? Well, then you surely did watch a film that just didn't make sense. Maybe there was a big plothole or something just wasn't logical. This channel makes videos on those kind of movie mistakes. Their videos are titled: "Everything Wrong With... (enter movie title)".

I Watch: "Everything Wrong With..."

8. JaclynGlenn

Run by: Jaclyn Glenn
Number of subscribers: +386.000

Description: Channel run by Jaclyn mainly focuses on topics such as atheism, religion, politics, economy and other social issues. From time to time she also makes sketch and spoof videos.

I Watch: Videos on topics that interest me.

7. Jeremy Jahns

Run by: Jeremy Jahns
Number of subscribers: +991.000

Description: Jeremy's channel is mainly a movie reviewer channel, but he also does trailer reaction and trailer review videos. He reviews movies in very comedical way and in the end of every review, grades movies with 5 different grades: "Dog shit", "You won't remember the movie in T-x minutes/hours/days", "Great time, if your drunk", "Good time, no alcohol required", "worth buying on Blu-ray" & "Awesomtacular". He also makes "Top 10 Best movies" and "Top 10 Worst movies" at the end of each year.

I Watch: All


Run by: Ashkan Karbasfrooshan, Raphael Daigneault, Christine Voulieris
Number of subscribers: +10.5 million

Description: makes 3-4 top10 videos a day. They make top 10 things from moves to tv series, from best actors to McDonald's meals. On this youtube channel, there is probably a top 10 video on every topic you may think of. They also make a weekly news video and TopX videos, Top 10 videos focusing only on youtube and youtubers.

I Watch: Every TOP 10 videos on topic that interest me.

5. Screen Junkies


Run by: Andy Signore, Brett Weiner & Mitch Rotter
Number of subscribers: +5.1 million

Description: This channel is mostly known for their series of "Honest Trailer" videos. In addition, they make a weekly live show called "Movie Fights", where three movie fans fight among themselves by arguing to answer a question given by the presenter. The winner of each argument/round is the one, which gives the best arguments for the answer they choosed.

I Watch: Movie Fights

4. ADoseOfBuckley

Run by: Adam Buckley
Number of subscribers: +563.000

Description: Buckley describes his channel videos as "angry humour from an angry man".He rants about current popular events, trends and music from an "pesimistic"/angry perspective. At the end of every year he makes "Top 10 Wors Songs" videos, which is the moust popular content on his channel.

I Watch: All

3. ColliderVideos

Run by: John Campe, John Schnepp, Kristian Harloff, Mark Ellis
Number of subscribers: +189.000

Description: ColliderVideos airs a daily show called "Movie Talk", where they break down the latest news from the world of movies. They also post a weekly Star Wars-only show called "Jedi Council", "Mailbag". where they answer to questions send by their fans, and weekly shows where they review new episodes of moust popular TV series.

I Watch: Movie Talk, Jedi Council (sometimes).

2. The Drunken Peasants

Run by: Ben & TJ (feat. Scotty)
Number of subscribers: +108.000
This channels airs 3 weekly 2-3 hour long podcasts, where they comment on news. From time to time they have a guest on the show, most commonly PaulsEgo. They have a variety of segments of the show, such as: Troll or Not a Troll, Storytime With Paul, Crazy People, segment where they read posts on Craigslist, segment where they watch TV commercials and guess the pricess of the products,... etc.

I Watch: All

1. The Amazing Atheist


Run by: Thomas James "TJ" Kirk
Number of subscribers: +783.000
This is porbably one of the most contraversial youtube channels. He always speak in "in-your.face" way and doesn't care what anyone makes of him. TJ does video rents on all sorts of topics: from atheism to religion, from movie & music trends to economy. He also talks about: politics, feminism, gaming, social issues, recism,... etc. With this channel you will never be bored. TJ  makes videos in very sarcastic and/or cynical tone.

I Watch: All

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